Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • product name = "dragonazijn"

Total results: 53. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 41-53 - first - previous - next - last
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
9051 Vrouwe Geertruida 1773/1774 19-8-1774 Batavia, Batavia - Surat, Surat 141.975,7,8 - details
437 Huis te Spijk 1779/1780 17-8-1780 Batavia, Batavia - Surat, Surat 152.013,9 - details
2472 Zilveren Leeuw 1775/1776 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 31-5-1776 Batavia, Batavia 18.922,19,8 - details
3085 't Loo 1774/1775 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 17-5-1775 Batavia, Batavia 20.962,2 - details
8914 Huis Om 1773/1774 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 19-7-1774 Batavia, Batavia 29.672,4,8 - details
1974 Behemoth 1777/1778 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 8-7-1778 Batavia, Batavia 38.624,8,8 - details
4901 Hoorn 1778/1779 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 28-7-1779 Batavia, Batavia 40.721,12,8 - details
5754 Beemsterwelvaren 1772/1773 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 7-6-1773 Batavia, Batavia 6.459,15,8 - details
5756 Anthonia Koenrardina 1772/1773 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 9-6-1773 Batavia, Batavia 6.615,12,8 - details
3577 Ritthem 1768/1769 - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 29-5-1769 Batavia, Batavia 75,15 - details
5331 Ganges 1778/1779 24-4-1779 Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - Batavia, Batavia 8.593,19,8 - details
3216 Ouwerkerk 1774/1775 2-8-1775 Batavia, Batavia - Surat, Surat 88.268,8,8 - details
5887 Beemsterwelvaren 1772/1773 20-8-1773 Batavia, Batavia - Surat, Surat 91.808,7,8 - details
showing results 41-53 - first - previous - next - last