Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

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  • product name = "wig"

Total results: 7. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 1-7 -
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
14246 Vaderland Getrouw 1714/1715 - Zeeland, Republiek 18-10-1714 Batavia, Batavia - 314.852,17 details
18168 Uno 1726/1727 22-8-1727 Batavia, Batavia - Surabaja, Java's Noordoostkust - 65.090,7 details
14272 Sleewijk 1714/1715 - Rotterdam, Republiek 22-11-1714 Batavia, Batavia - 179.003 details
14325 Risdam 1714/1715 - Enkhuizen, Republiek 22-4-1715 Batavia, Batavia - 167.089,11,8 details
14275 Oudenaarde 1714/1715 - Hoorn, Republiek 8-5-1715 Batavia, Batavia - 205.493,4 details
16186 Huis ter Leede 1712/1713 25-4-1713 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 79.964,15,8 details
14251 Donau 1714/1715 - Delft, Republiek 15-11-1714 Batavia, Batavia - 297.562,19,8 details
showing results 1-7 -