Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • product name = "kayirutros"

Total results: 11. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 1-11 -
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
131 Zoutman 1789/1790 - Surabaja, Java's Noordoostkust 23-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia 34.678,17 - details
3223 Venus 1776/1777 23-12-1776 -, Ceylon - Surat, Surat 264.916,8,8 - details
723 Trompenburg 1782/1783 - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust 14-5-1783 Batavia, Batavia 26.572,13,8 - details
6096 Stavenisse 1778/1779 28-12-1778 Surat, Surat - -, Ceylon 229.335,12,8 - details
14760 Spierdijk 1702/1703 - Cochin, Malabar 30-3-1703 Colombo, Ceylon - 19.631,3 details
6165 Mariƫnbos 1761/1762 - -, Malabar 23-10-1761 Colombo, Ceylon - 8.304,9,8 details
4302 Landskroon 1765/1766 - Galle, Ceylon 10-5-1766 Batavia, Batavia - 2.103,16,8 details
1855 houtvlot, 1, prauw majang, 4 1782/1783 - Djoana, Java's Noordoostkust - Batavia, Batavia 7.059,6 - details
11627 Hen 1702/1703 - Galle, Ceylon 21-6-1703 Batavia, Batavia - 20.032,0,8 details
14584 Beverwaart 1710/1711 11-8-1711 -, Ceylon - Batavia, Batavia - 26.612,15,0 details
15325 Beieren 1706/1707 - -, Malabar 11-6-1707 Batavia, Batavia - 47.928,13 details
showing results 1-11 -