Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Spiegel"

Total results: 14. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 1-14 -
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
7399 Spiegel 1701/1702 - Amsterdam, Republiek 21-1-1702 Batavia, Batavia - 512.945,17,8 details
15250 Spiegel 1706/1707 - Amsterdam, Republiek 30-1-1707 Batavia, Batavia - 348.906,11 details
10363 Spiegel, Lands Welvaren 1701/1702 - Amsterdam, Republiek 1-10-1701 Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 8.336,17,8 details
11725 Spiegel 1702/1703 27-11-1702 Batavia, Batavia - Amsterdam, Republiek - 412.996,0,8 details
17070 Spiegel 1708/1709 14-11-1708 Colombo, Ceylon - Surat, Surat - 18.617,10 details
14429 Spiegel, Vosmaar, Schoonderloo 1710/1711 7-3-1711 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 17.819,3,0 details
16333 Spiegel 1708/1709 - Surat, Surat 10-6-1709 Batavia, Batavia - 66.185,14 details
13912 Spiegel 1710/1711 - -, Java's Noordoostkust 6-6-1711 Batavia, Batavia - 10.857,10,8 details
13923 Vosmaar, Spiegel, Huis te Bijweg (fluitschip), Zoelen 1710/1711 - -, Java's Noordoostkust 24-8-1711 Batavia, Batavia - 18.274,2,8 details
13496 Spiegel 1710/1711 - -, Bengalen 24-12-1710 Batavia, Batavia - 91.832,9,8 details
16020 Spiegel 1706/1707 - Amsterdam, Republiek 15-11-1706 Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 52,15,8 details
16637 Spiegel 1708/1709 8-9-1708 Batavia, Batavia - Surat, Surat - 33.707,10 details
showing results 1-14 -