Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • product name = "granaat"

Total results: 7. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 1-7 -
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
15278 Huis ter Duine 1706/1707 - Zeeland, Republiek 11-8-1707 Batavia, Batavia - 151.336,17,8 details
13342 Schellenberg 1710/1711 - Rotterdam, Republiek 17-1-1711 Batavia, Batavia - 241.239,5,8 details
15288 Veenhuizen 1706/1707 - Hoorn, Republiek 16-2-1707 Batavia, Batavia - 215.056,18,8 details
15700 Stad Keulen, Kiefhoek, Monster, Bombardeerder, Hof van Ilpendam 1706/1707 2-5-1707 Batavia, Batavia - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust - 127.623,18,8 details
17903 Valkenisse 1722/1723 30-11-1722 Batavia, Batavia - Zeeland, Republiek - 495.165,8 details
13325 Kattendijk 1703/1704 - Amsterdam, Republiek 1-3-1704 Batavia, Batavia - 31,4 details
13326 Huis ter Boede 1703/1704 - Amsterdam, Republiek 19-3-1704 Batavia, Batavia - 31,6 details
showing results 1-7 -