Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

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  • product name = "salempuris"

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showing results 2.175-2.214 - first - previous - next - last - goto
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
14165 Nichtevecht 1703/1704 12-7-1704 Batavia, Batavia - -, Perzië - 52.582,2,8 details
14169 Drie Kronen 1703/1704 12-7-1704 Batavia, Batavia - -, Perzië - 63.335,4 details
14173 Lek 1703/1704 23-8-1704 Batavia, Batavia - -, Perzië - 85.682,12,8 details
14228 Lokhorst 1703/1704 2-5-1704 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 80.357,17,8 details
14303 Peter en Paul 1710/1711 13-1-1711 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 23.210,15,0 details
14332 Langerak 1723/1724 19-2-1724 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 22.075,10 details
14348 Bode 1702/1703 28-2-1703 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 9.370,10 details
14431 Bombardeerder 1710/1711 4-5-1711 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 23.905,10,8 details
14559 vaartuig, diverse 1723/1724 19-8-1724 Jaffna, Ceylon - -, Coromandel - - details
14641 Blauwenberg 1703/1704 29-2-1704 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 34.242,6 details
14731 schepen, diverse 1702/1703 - -, Coromandel 15-11-1702 -, Ceylon - 149.831,7,8 details
14981 Nederland 1702/1703 21-2-1703 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Perzië - 8.809,11,11 details
14982 Pool 1702/1703 1-3-1703 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Perzië - 18.722,6,12 details
15242 Huis te Loo 1711/1712 30-8-1712 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 61.143,17,0 details
15274 Ter Eem 1711/1712 6-2-1712 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 21.557,5,0 details
15388 Huis te Bijweg (fluitschip) 1711/1712 30-10-1711 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 114.373,2,0 details
15510 Wassenaar 1706/1707 2-10-1706 Batavia, Batavia - -, Perzië - 115.135,14 details
15541 Zanderhoef 1714/1715 28-4-1715 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 190.581,7 details
15523 Sirjansland 1706/1707 8-8-1707 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 63.964,4,8 details
15584 Kokmeeuw 1711/1712 31-12-1711 Jaffna, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 11.152,17,0 details
15585 Hoefijzer 1711/1712 27-10-1711 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 57.942,14,0 details
15660 Andromeda 1706/1707 29-1-1707 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 15.656,11,8 details
15701 Avonturier 1714/1715 20-1-1715 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 19.748,3 details
15719 Feijslahaij 1706/1707 11-5-1707 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 78.865,4 details
15809 Geelvink 1706/1707 24-6-1707 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 73.583,17 details
15956 IJsselmonde 1706/1707 30-11-1706 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Perzië - 64.957 details
15979 IJsselmonde 1706/1707 27-12-1706 Masulipatnam, Coromandel - -, Perzië - 35.637,1,8 details
15982 Wassenaar 1706/1707 18-12-1706 Cochin, Malabar - -, Perzië - 30.194,12,8 details
16043 't Ghijn 1712/1713 20-9-1712 Batavia, Batavia - -, Malabar - 178.561,4,8 details
16186 Huis ter Leede 1712/1713 25-4-1713 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 79.964,15,8 details
16188 Nieuwburg (Huis te), Oegstgeest 1712/1713 23-8-1713 Batavia, Batavia - -, Siam - 135.388,3,8 details
16341 Bogaard 1712/1713 7-2-1713 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor - 33.182,9,0 details
16379 Oegstgeest, Belois 1712/1713 17-5-1713 Batavia, Batavia - -, Java's Noordoostkust - 43.475,19,0 details
16554 vaartuig, diverse 1712/1713 26-2-1713 Jaffna, Ceylon - -, Coromandel - 13.590,17,0 details
16555 sloep, verscheidene 1712/1713 21-4-1713 Jaffna, Ceylon - -, Coromandel - 15.644,12,8 details
16557 sloep, diverse 1712/1713 20-7-1713 Jaffna, Ceylon - -, Coromandel - 17.350,15,0 details
16561 sloep, verscheidene 1712/1713 7-1-1713 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 10.220,5,0 details
16564 Edam 1712/1713 6-10-1712 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 178.784,13,8 details
16570 Bellevliet 1712/1713 12-12-1712 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Perzië - 21.992,4,0 details
16646 Gent 1708/1709 18-8-1709 Batavia, Batavia - -, Perzië - 145.539,1,8 details
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