Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

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number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
27 Valk 1789/1790 16-10-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Amsterdam, Republiek 75.358,17 - details
28 Sparenrijk 1789/1790 26-10-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Amsterdam, Republiek 114.862,5 - details
33 Meeuwtje 1789/1790 27-2-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Amsterdam, Republiek 59.674,19 - details
34 Zeenimf 1789/1790 27-2-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Amsterdam, Republiek 67.581,14 - details
39 Pollux 1789/1790 29-1-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Zeeland, Republiek 65.842,13 - details
40 Verwachting 1789/1790 29-1-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Zeeland, Republiek 67.453,10 - details
42 Dordwijk 1789/1790 29-1-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Delft, Republiek 54.922,7,8 - details
46 Slot Capelle 1789/1790 27-2-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Rotterdam, Republiek 85.077,14 - details
51 Hindeloopen 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon 24-11-1789 Batavia, Batavia 44.067,10 - details
52 Gouverneur-Generaal De Clerck, Slot ter Hoge 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon 30-11-1789 Batavia, Batavia 17.159,1,8 - details
53 Leviathan 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon 9-2-1790 Batavia, Batavia 21.374,2,8 - details
54 Vredenburg 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon 15-7-1790 Batavia, Batavia 39.285,8,8 - details
57 Horssen 1789/1790 - -, Coromandel 3-12-1789 Batavia, Batavia 352.670,12 - details
75 Hindeloopen 1789/1790 - Padang, Sumatra's Westkust 26-11-1789 Batavia, Batavia 68.972,7 - details
78 Noord-Holland 1789/1790 - Malakka, Malakka 21-10-1789 Batavia, Batavia 5.136,10 - details
169 Gouda, Surseance 1789/1790 - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust 4-7-1790 Batavia, Batavia 3.547,8 - details
204 Constantia 1789/1790 16-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Padang, Sumatra's Westkust 100.195,6 - details
205 Constantia 1789/1790 16-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Pulau Tjinkuk, Sumatra's Westkust 56.404,10,8 - details
206 Noord-Holland 1789/1790 10-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Malakka, Malakka 85.046,16 - details
208 Dordrecht 1789/1790 2-7-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Malakka, Malakka 129.192,15,8 - details
211 Kleine Pallas, Constantia 1789/1790 28-8-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Bandjarmasin, Bandjarmasin 30.808,4 - details
212 Hoop 1789/1790 11-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Palembang, Palembang 18.014,6 - details
213 Jonge Oranjeboom 1789/1790 10-7-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Palembang, Palembang 157.521,12 - details
215 Rembang 1789/1790 5-1-1790 Batavia, Batavia - -, Timor 41.684,12 - details
220 Hoop 1789/1790 12-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Bantam, Bantam 56.766,10 - details
250 Doggersbank 1789/1790 20-3-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust 154.335,7,8 - details
254 Phoeniciƫr 1789/1790 10-5-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust 151.459,12 - details
257 Faam 1789/1790 18-8-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust 19.205,4,8 - details
258 Drechterland 1789/1790 10-9-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Amboina, Amboina 91.569,19 - details
261 Schoonderloo 1789/1790 1-12-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Banda-Neira, Banda 71.254,15 - details
262 Stavenisse 1789/1790 10-12-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Banda-Neira, Banda 38.521,1,8 - details
263 Zeepaard 1789/1790 29-12-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Banda-Neira, Banda 120.878,3,8 - details
264 Diamant 1789/1790 21-12-1789 Batavia, Batavia - Ternate, Ternate 122.837,8 - details
314 Zuiderburg 1789/1790 26-6-1790 Batavia, Batavia - Nagasaki, Japan 169.603,19,8 - details
315 Riouw 1789/1790 20-3-1790 Batavia, Batavia - -, Pontianak 63.011,10,8 - details
1577 Gouverneur Falck 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon - Amsterdam, Republiek 280.885,9 - details
1581 Josephus de Tweede 1789/1790 10-11-1788 -, Ceylon - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 2.537,5,8 - details
1608 Gouverneur Falck 1789/1790 16-1-1789 -, Ceylon - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 10.953,1 - details
1609 Batavier 1789/1790 31-1-1789 -, Ceylon - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 7.472,14,8 - details
1781 Zaanstroom 1789/1790 - -, Ceylon 17-2-1790 Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop 14.519,2 - details
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