Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • product name = "handgrenadiersmuts"

Total results: 5. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 1-5 -
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
13356 Schoonderloo 1703/1704 - Delft, Republiek 14-12-1703 Batavia, Batavia - 104.659,0,8 details
13394 Reigersdaal 1700/1701 - Delft, Republiek 14-11-1700 Batavia, Batavia - 342.985,0,8 details
15676 Raadhuis van Middelburg 1712/1713 - Zeeland, Republiek 20-11-1712 Batavia, Batavia - 277.750,3,0 details
15682 Wassenaar 1712/1713 - Delft, Republiek 18-2-1713 Batavia, Batavia - 238.959,5,0 details
15684 Huis ten Donk 1712/1713 - Rotterdam, Republiek 4-7-1713 Batavia, Batavia - 249.927,3,0 details
showing results 1-5 -