Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Search results for voyages

You searched for voyages with the following properties:
  • source = 10772

Total results: 346. Search for cargo with these conditions or search again.

showing results 267-306 - first - previous - next - last - goto
number ship name book year departure date departure place, region arrival date arrival place, region Total value Dutch Guilders Total value Indian Guilders Details
17733 onbekend 1740/1741 20-1-1741 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 8.975,8,8 details
17734 onbekend 1740/1741 18-3-1741 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 176.181,13,8 details
17735 Maria Louisa 1740/1741 1-4-1741 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 200.473,2,0 details
17736 Goede Hoop 1740/1741 1-4-1741 Colombo, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 1.968,13,0 details
17737 Markveen 1740/1741 24-10-1741 Galle, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 2.283,5,0 details
17738 Berkenrode 1740/1741 8-11-1740 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 351,19,0 details
17739 Parel 1740/1741 10-3-1741 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 8.990,4,8 details
17740 Parel 1740/1741 20-4-1741 Tuticorin, Ceylon - -, Malabar - 2.064,3,8 details
17741 Huis te Marquette 1740/1741 16-12-1741 Colombo, Ceylon - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 93,19,0 details
17742 Wickenburg 1740/1741 16-12-1741 Galle, Ceylon - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 1.575,1,8 details
17743 Lis 1740/1741 - -, Coromandel 31-8-1741 Hooghly, Bengalen - 425.803,18,0 details
17745 Le Bon Succes 1740/1741 - -, Perziƫ 31-8-1741 -, Bengalen - 212,5,8 details
17746 Sijbekarspel 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Amsterdam, Republiek - 431.903,6,8 details
17748 Horssen 1740/1741 22-11-1741 -, Bengalen - Amsterdam, Republiek - 440.459,1,8 details
17750 Dishoek 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Zeeland, Republiek - 439.274,4,0 details
17752 Knappenhof 1740/1741 22-11-1741 -, Bengalen - Delft, Republiek - 445.907,2,8 details
17753 Huis te Spijk 1740/1741 10-1-1741 -, Bengalen - -, Coromandel - 16.876,8,8 details
17754 Sijbekarspel 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 2.948,12,8 details
17755 Horssen 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 2.687,1,8 details
17756 Dishoek 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 2.534,10,8 details
17757 Knappenhof 1740/1741 22-11-1740 -, Bengalen - Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop - 2.480,4,0 details
17758 Sousang 1740/1741 31-8-1741 Palembang, Palembang - Batavia, Batavia - 6.535,13,8 details
17759 Tinnegieter 1740/1741 23-2-1741 -, Siam - Batavia, Batavia - 2.592,9,8 details
17760 Krabbendijke 1740/1741 28-10-1741 Nagasaki, Japan - Batavia, Batavia - 276.213,1,0 details
17761 Reigersdaal 1740/1741 28-10-1741 Nagasaki, Japan - Batavia, Batavia - 290.408,14,8 details
17762 Velsen 1740/1741 31-8-1741 Tegal, Java's Noordoostkust - Batavia, Batavia - 181.837,10,0 details
17763 Gaasperdam 1740/1741 23-1-1741 Tegal, Java's Noordoostkust - Amboina, Amboina - 28.050,2,0 details
17764 Steenhoven 1740/1741 23-12-1740 Tegal, Java's Noordoostkust - Banda-Neira, Banda - 21.173,17,8 details
17765 inlands vaartuig, diverse 1740/1741 14-3-1741 Semarang, Java's Noordoostkust - Makassar, Makassar - 1.096,10,8 details
17766 Velsen 1740/1741 16-8-1741 Cheribon, Cheribon - Batavia, Batavia - 65.960,3,0 details
17767 dubbel houtvlot, 2 1740/1741 27-8-1741 Cheribon, Cheribon - Batavia, Batavia - 4.845,18,8 details
17768 Bethlehem 1740/1741 7-12-1740 Kanton, China - Amsterdam, Republiek - 401.988,8,8 details
17770 Scheijbeek 1740/1741 18-12-1740 Kanton, China - Zeeland, Republiek - 411.688,11,0 details
17771 Scheijbeek 1740/1741 18-12-1740 Kanton, China - Delft, Republiek - 64.308,13,0 details
17772 Scheijbeek 1740/1741 18-12-1740 Kanton, China - Rotterdam, Republiek - 64.438,7,0 details
17773 Bethlehem 1740/1741 7-12-1740 Kanton, China - Hoorn, Republiek - 66.495,16,8 details
17774 Bethlehem 1740/1741 7-12-1740 Kanton, China - Enkhuizen, Republiek - 66.080,12,0 details
17775 Le Diligent 1740/1741 - -, Perziƫ 10-4-1741 Surat, Surat - 93,18,8 details
17776 Abbekerk 1740/1741 31-3-1741 Surat, Surat - -, Malabar - 175.529,17,0 details
17777 pantjalang van Lim Tiamlin 1740/1741 1-2-1741 Banda-Neira, Banda - Amboina, Amboina - 163,5,0 details
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