Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 9707
Book year 1701/1702
Source 10752
Folio number 204
Ship name Nieuwburg (Huis te)
Departure date -
Departure place and region -, Malabar
Arrival date 20-4-1702
Arrival place and region Colombo, Ceylon
Total value Dutch guilders -
Total value Indian guilders 3.630,9
Remarks Voyage -
Voyage in DAS -

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
496 pees houtwerk gesorteerd 2.430,11,8
1.070 pees koehuid ruw 163,14
27 pees slaaf mannelijke 1.036,3,8
Total: 3.630,9