Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 17628
Book year 1722/1723
Source 10762
Folio number 56
Ship name Haaksburg
Departure date -
Departure place and region Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop
Arrival date -
Arrival place and region Batavia, Batavia
Total value Dutch guilders -
Total value Indian guilders 22.357,10
Remarks Voyage The cargo was rescued from several wrecked ships and brought to Batavia by the Haaksburg. No date of arrival is listed in the invoice, but the date of arrival in DAS is 20-1-1722.

Due to the poor state of this year's BGB journal many invoices are hard to read or partially illegible.
Voyage in DAS go to DAS voyage 2501.2

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
520,8 mark zilver baar 16.303,7,8
46 1/4 mark markrealen - 1.273,10
20 pees cijferlei - 20
6 pees pers - 33
88 5/16 rol zeildoek - 3.002,12,8
8 x pees everdoek - 585
16 vel karldoek - 480
22 vel doek grauw 440
3 pees poortlaken - 60
320 lb zeilgaren - 160
Total: 22.357,10