Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "lijm"

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showing results 100-139 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 4.410,15,8 - Indian guilders: 4.081,19 - number of results: 219.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15263 lijm - 10
15269 lijm - 10
15368 lijm - 15
15419 lijm - 12,4
15508 lijm - 3,18
15540 lijm - 4,11
15542 lijm - -
15551 lijm - 3,15
15617 lijm - 9,10
15653 lijm - 11,7,8
15649 lijm 50 -
15658 lijm Engels 33 -
15659 lijm Engels 69,10 -
15676 lijm 52 -
15682 lijm 35,15 -
15683 lijm Hollands 9,12 -
15683 lijm 28,15,8 -
15698 lijm - 3,12
15699 lijm - 12
15705 lijm - 86,18,12
15700 lijm voor Surabaja - 6
15700 lijm voor Tegal - 1,2,8
15708 lijm 43,5 -
15709 lijm 21,10 -
15711 lijm Hollands 48,6 -
15823 lijm - 3,5
15707 lijm - 25,2,8
15913 lijm - 50,3,12
16042 lijm voor Nagapattinam - 9
16149 lijm Engels 46 -
16175 lijm Engels - 398,1,8
16187 lijm Engels 21 -
16190 lijm - 8
16202 lijm Engels 28,5 -
16210 lijm - 4,16
16250 lijm - 2,16
16251 lijm - 2,16
16329 lijm - 12
16355 lijm - 12
16365 lijm - 8
showing results 100-139 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 4.410,15,8 - Indian guilders: 4.081,19 - number of results: 219.