Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "guni"

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showing results 857-896 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 113.871,3 - Indian guilders: 759.749,3,6 - number of results: 936.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16686 guni - 50
5819 guni - 80,8
11749 guni lang Bengaals - 2.831,17
10397 guni lang - 1.552,10
10572 guni - 690
8241 guni - 69
9476 guni - 646,5
12631 guni lang Bengaals - 47,4
13011 guni lang Bengaals - 1.175
11032 guni lang - 236,10
12424 guni lang Bengaals - 270
17769 guni lang - 100,16
14826 guni Coromandels - 52,10
7983 guni - 126,1
12823 guni lang Bengaals - 164,10
15724 guni lang - 1.405,10
11091 guni in soort - 9.302,9,8
15951 guni - 472
10630 guni - 990
17065 guni lang - 467,6,8
14082 guni - 2.798,9,8
7105 guni - 72
18101 guni lang Bengaals - 252,10
16900 guni lang - 2.102,19
13850 guni lang - 720
8969 guni lang - 2.541,10
9533 guni - 258,10
6920 guni - 120
9778 guni - 786
9783 guni - 786
13423 guni lang - 246,9
6054 guni - 120
9010 guni lang - 120
16326 guni - 700,19,8
13434 guni lang - 256,6
9919 guni - 131
3976 guni - 500
14173 guni lang - 125
13818 guni lang - 144
17895 guni lang - 630
showing results 857-896 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 113.871,3 - Indian guilders: 759.749,3,6 - number of results: 936.