Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "lood"

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showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.257.156,8,8 - Indian guilders: 4.312.914,15,15 - number of results: 1.999.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
9423 lood in kasten - 36,9
9514 lood in kasten - 73,8
10376 lood - 127,12,8
11599 lood in kasten - 135,9
11588 lood in kasten - 40,13,8
11591 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 2.580,3
11591 lood in kasten - 82,18
11593 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 3.063,14
11593 lood in kasten - 189,5
11594 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 2.935,14
11594 lood in kasten - 32,6
11595 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 4.975,3
11595 lood in kasten - 93,4
11597 lood - 4.182,1
11596 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 7.650,10
11600 lood in kasten - 216,11,8
11601 lood in kasten - 211,3
11602 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 11.200,7
11602 lood in kasten - 54,7
11603 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 16.654,18,8
11604 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 1.835,14,8
11604 lood in kasten - 74,8
11605 lood in kasten - 171,5
11605 lood - 11,12,8
11606 lood in kasten - 122,17
11607 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 5.799,6
11608 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 8.696,12
11608 lood in kasten - 155,6
11609 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 8.727,14,8
11609 lood in kasten - 195,12,8
11610 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 2.938,5,8
11611 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 3.040,10
11611 lood in kasten - 140
11613 lood in kasten - 111,5,8
11614 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 2.714,1,8
11615 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 6.220,14,8
11619 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 3.393,5,8
11621 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 1.049,9
12114 lood in kasten - 14,9,8
12158 lood in kasten - 11,6,8
showing results 81-120 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.257.156,8,8 - Indian guilders: 4.312.914,15,15 - number of results: 1.999.