Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "damast"

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showing results 58-97 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.724,13 - Indian guilders: 1.222.506,8 - number of results: 137.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
12580 damast Chinees - 2.000
12087 damast Chinees - 2.531,2
12161 damast Chinees - 467,7
12499 damast Chinees - 2.041,14
11252 damast - 32.437,10
11253 damast - 40.187,10
11337 damast - 797,18
11420 damast - 2.700
17768 damast in soort - 49.927,10
17770 damast in soort - 49.927,10
17771 damast in soort - 9.587,5
17772 damast - 9.595
17773 damast in soort - 9.587,10
17774 damast - 9.595
10765 damast in soort - 2.312,14
11040 damast - 2.312,14
11426 damast - 21.792,5
11437 damast - 21.812,10
7565 damast - 2.005
7680 damast Chinees - 2.005
8646 damast in soort - 33.160
8647 damast in soort - 31.945
8650 damast - 4.765
8651 damast - 4.765
8652 damast in soort - 4.765
8653 damast in soort - 4.765
7740 damast Chinees - 1.686
7890 damast Chinees - 6.744
7968 damast Chinees - 11.249,12
7975 damast Chinees - 11.249,12
7985 damast Chinees - 18.161,8
8065 damast Chinees - 134,17,8
8233 damast Chinees - 3.372
8606 damast gebloemd - 2.803,1
8648 damast - 42.373,16
8658 damast - 32.609,5
9917 damast gouden en zilveren - 821,2
9925 damast gouden en zilveren - 576,15
9931 damast gouden en zilveren - 3.956,12
9939 damast gouden en zilveren - 1.031,8
showing results 58-97 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.724,13 - Indian guilders: 1.222.506,8 - number of results: 137.