Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • departure place = Rotterdam

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 4.257-4.296 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 6.970.887,11 - Indian guilders: 14.042.583,3,14 - number of results: 4.296.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13391 zilver baar - 90.728,2,8
13397 zilver baar - 30.348,10
14959 zilver baar 48.768 -
14960 zilver baar 202.056 -
16172 zilver baar - -
16173 zilver baar - 81.373,10
16175 zilver baar - 82.712,10
16716 zilver baar 62.636,1 -
16718 zilver baar 49.980 -
17283 zilver baar 111.206,8 -
17291 zilver baar - 152.700
17292 zilver baar - 155.245
17293 zilver baar - 169.345
17294 zilver baar 51.200 -
18176 zilver baar - 57.576,11
18184 zilver baar - 66.495
1425 zilverdraad 53,11 -
13342 zilverdraad - -
7459 zoetvijl - 33
14959 zoetvijl bastaard Engels 12,10 -
10380 zolderveer met 's lands recht - 178,15
13342 zolderveer 9,14,8 -
14272 zolderveer 12,16 -
14815 zolderveer 12,16 -
15683 zolderveer 12,16 -
16198 zolderveer 10,14 -
17291 zolderveer - 43,11
13342 zout wit 8,4 -
15684 zout fijn 32,14 -
16718 zout wit 14 -
7459 zwartsel - 31,5
13342 zwartsel 10,4 -
13343 zwartsel 28,10 -
13395 zwartsel - 85,18
13397 zwartsel - 23,15
14959 zwartsel 28 -
16172 zwartsel 9,6 -
16175 zwartsel 57 -
16198 zwartsel 20,6 -
17283 zwartsel 26 -
showing results 4.257-4.296 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 6.970.887,11 - Indian guilders: 14.042.583,3,14 - number of results: 4.296.