Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "gomlak"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 399-438 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 14.730,10,8 - Indian guilders: 423.295,2 - number of results: 438.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
1576 gomlak Siamees 252,9 -
1578 gomlak Siamees 252,9 -
7255 gomlak - 7.832,5,8
4566 gomlak op stokjes Siamees - 1.537,10
1981 gomlak Siamees 226,18 -
521 gomlak op stokjes 1.009,16 -
545 gomlak op stokjes 257,8 -
2876 gomlak Siamees 121,2 -
6781 gomlak op stokjes Siamees - 674,9
7166 gomlak - 423,18,8
7166 gomlak op stokjes Kust - 150,10,8
13961 gomlak Siamees - 195,7
16474 gomlak Siamees - 346,10
16488 gomlak - 98,10
12254 gomlak in soort - 2.028,18
12142 gomlak Siamees - 308,11
12149 gomlak Siamees - 308,9,8
12774 gomlak in soort - 271,11,8
17798 gomlak Siamees - 576,6
13668 gomlak Siamees - 567
16432 gomlak Siamees - 508,10
17125 gomlak Siamees - 894,12
17793 gomlak Siamees - 960,7,8
16485 gomlak Siamees - 314,11
15244 gomlak Siamees in 5 kasten - 559,13,8
12126 gomlak Siamees - 205,14
12544 gomlak diverse - 722,10
14349 gomlak in 121 zakken - 2.363,18
10073 gomlak - 2.693
13842 gomlak Siamees - 189
2482 gomlak Siamees 554,8 -
12100 gomlak Kust - 3.803,1
17817 gomlak Siamees - 672,7
15240 gomlak Siamees in 5 kasten - 572,9,8
16006 gomlak Siamees - 1.121,1,8
12373 gomlak Siamees - 1.228
13686 gomlak Siamees - 567
17169 gomlak Siamees - 404,15
5651 gomlak op stokjes Siamees - 1.666,19
15726 gomlak - 1.695,6,8
showing results 399-438 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 14.730,10,8 - Indian guilders: 423.295,2 - number of results: 438.