Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Hopvogel"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 370-409 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 302.988,15 - Indian guilders: 5.197.651,3,8 - number of results: 409.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
12421 ijzer - -
12421 staal - -
12421 gereedschap - -
12421 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 660,16
12626 avegaar met ongelden - 19,11,8
12626 in aanrekening - 3.952
11838 peper in soort - 45.079,5,8
11838 agelhout - 753,15
11838 drakenbloed - 1.119,15
11838 tin Bangkaas - 82.489,11
11838 handrotan - 301,10
12241 markrealen - 33.500
12241 dukatons - 437,10
12241 gingam dronggangs Kust - 394,5,8
12241 guinees Kust in soort - 7.609,7,8
12241 parcallen Kust - 640,3
12241 salempuris Kust in soort - 6.791,7,8
12241 sits Surats - 6.109,5,8
12241 deken Surats - 303,7
12241 karicams Surats - 2.103,18
12241 gerassen Bengaals - 1.701,5
12241 koper in platen en bodems - 54,8
12241 zeep in soort - 75,18
12241 rozenwater Perzisch - 48,3,8
12241 pakgaren - 37,10
12241 equipagegoederen - 2.486,14
12241 artilleriegoederen - 543,13
12241 wapenkamergoederen - 194,7
12241 kleinigheden - 374,10
12241 medicamenten - 185,3
12241 ambachtsgereedschap - 5.585,14
12241 graan - 1.878
12241 provisie - 2.175,4
12241 ijzer - -
12241 spijker - -
12241 staal - -
12241 gereedschap - -
12241 samen - 2.011,19,8
12241 ongelden 2 procent - 809,5,8
12241 in aanrekening - 581,12,8
showing results 370-409 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 302.988,15 - Indian guilders: 5.197.651,3,8 - number of results: 409.