Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "gingam"

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showing results 2.463-2.502 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 953.894,10,8 - Indian guilders: 10.226.496,2,7 - number of results: 2.542.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
18463 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 2.814,10,8
18468 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 928,11,8
18469 gingam onderbroeken geruit Kust - 1.312,13,8
18472 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 2.355,5
18472 gingam effen Bengaals - 797,18
18472 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 2.661,2,8
18475 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 521,1
18479 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 483,4,8
18480 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 3.644,8
18480 gingam pinasse Bengaals - 493,6
18480 gingam effen Bengaals - 721,19
18480 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 2.860,9,8
18483 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 938,19,8
18487 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 483,4,8
18489 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 3.998,6
18489 gingam effen Bengaals - 797,18,8
18489 gingam pinasse Bengaals - 446,8,8
18489 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 3.543,16
18493 gingam effen - 327,2,8
18506 gingam pinasse Kust - 861,17
18507 gingam pinasse Kust - 421,8,8
18509 gingam pinasse Kust - 843,14
18509 gingam taffachelas Kust - 1.616,13
18521 gingam pinasse Kust - 421,17
18525 gingam pinasse Kust - 843,4
18528 gingam taffachelas Kust - 40.409,8
18528 gingam sestienes Kust - 3.395,6
18528 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 21.321,9
18528 gingam pinasse Bengaals - 4.302,5
18528 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 32.369,8,8
18528 gingam effen Bengaals - 9.065,9
18530 gingam pinasse Kust - 1.687,9
18530 gingam rood Kust - 374,5,8
18535 gingam dronggangs Kust - 395,3
18535 gingam pinasse Kust - 1.283,12,8
18535 gingam onderbroeken geruit Kust - 1.917,1,8
18535 gingam taffachelas Kust - 1.616,13
18535 gingam beddentijk Kust - 807,4
18535 gingam rood Kust - 690,4
18537 gingam pinasse Kust - 440,1,8
showing results 2.463-2.502 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 953.894,10,8 - Indian guilders: 10.226.496,2,7 - number of results: 2.542.