Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "lood"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 1.920-1.959 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.257.156,8,8 - Indian guilders: 4.312.914,15,15 - number of results: 1.999.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
235 lood in kasten 45,9 -
236 lood in zeugen en schuiten 6.406,19 -
238 lood in kasten 140,10 -
239 lood in zeugen en schuiten - -
241 lood in kasten 57,5,8 -
242 lood in kasten 530,17,8 -
271 lood in kasten 99,19 -
275 lood in kasten 172,4 -
275 lood in zeugen - -
281 lood in kasten 392,4,8 -
283 lood in kasten 219,4 -
333 lood 397,3 -
336 lood in kasten 196,19 -
337 lood in zeugen en schuiten 2.126,2,8 -
341 lood in zeugen en schuiten 2.538,1,8 -
343 lood in kasten 71,5 -
559 lood in zeugen en schuiten 1.190,6 -
573 lood in schuiten 2.636 -
574 lood 2.630,13,8 -
575 lood 66,3 -
636 lood in kasten 17,6 -
637 lood in kasten 16,9 -
640 lood in kasten 16,17,8 -
640 lood in zeugen en schuiten 521,1 -
641 lood in kasten 18,4,8 -
645 lood 264,8,8 -
648 lood 1.628,15,8 -
650 lood 1.223,11 -
654 lood in zeugen en schuiten 1.075,15 -
666 lood in kasten 232,1 -
667 lood in kasten 252,17 -
667 lood in zeugen en schuiten 6.526 -
672 lood in zeugen en schuiten 7.972 -
2777 lood 6.020,10 -
3 lood in kasten 94 -
7 lood in kasten 282,4 -
8 lood in kasten 480,16 -
9 lood in soort 3.353 -
10 lood 2.648,5 -
11 lood 211,15 -
showing results 1.920-1.959 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.257.156,8,8 - Indian guilders: 4.312.914,15,15 - number of results: 1.999.