Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • arrival place = Rotterdam

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 4.703.963,1,8 - Indian guilders: 16.979.443,14,12 - number of results: 4.228.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
1171 garen katoenen 2.210,9,8 -
1171 kamfer Japans 610,13,8 -
1171 kurkuma Javaans 302,18,8 -
1171 koffieboon Javaans 20.433,12 -
1171 kardemom Javaans 55,3 -
1171 drakenbloed 117,11 -
1171 gember gekonfijt 576,13,8 -
1171 guttegom 430,7 -
1171 indigo Javaans 1.352 -
1171 parelmoerschelp 55,2,8 -
1171 sago in soort 97,13,8 -
1171 nootmuskaat gekonfijt 9 -
1171 rok zijden Japans 293,10 -
1171 soja Japans 14,10,8 -
1171 provisie 946,10 -
1171 emballage 1.635,8 -
1171 ongelden Bataviase 2 procent 905,15 -
1385 zijde in soort 96.846,9,8 -
1385 garen katoenen 1.852,10 -
1385 guinees 11.106 -
1385 salempuris 6.390 -
1385 gerassen 8.846,12,8 -
1385 cassa in soort 99.561,16 -
1385 roemaals in soort 7.289,7,8 -
1385 baftas in soort 10.522,12 -
1385 gingam taffachelas 2.187,10 -
1385 bandana 3.063,18 -
1385 malmal 25.465,8,8 -
1385 terindani in soort 7.508,15 -
1385 douriassen 13.471,19 -
1385 tansjeebs 18.564,13,8 -
1385 bethilles cangan 4.290 -
1385 hammans van Hendiaal 3.028,6 -
1385 soesjes 1.343,15 -
1385 neusdoek van Hendiaal 750 -
1385 adaties 763,4 -
1385 sirsikken 5.005 -
1385 kharradherry 1.691,5 -
1385 tepois 937,10 -
1385 atchiabanijs 495 -
showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 4.703.963,1,8 - Indian guilders: 16.979.443,14,12 - number of results: 4.228.