Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "bandana"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

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showing results 132-171 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 208.643,9,8 - Indian guilders: 917.590,13 - number of results: 171.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
4690 bandana - 3.496,12,8
4999 bandana - 9.576,18
5000 bandana - 9.576,18
5003 bandana - 8.792,11
5004 bandana - 9.576,18
4175 bandana - 27.769,2,8
4177 bandana - 11.933,3,8
4180 bandana - 23.787,8
4188 bandana - 21.822,5
4161 bandana Bengaals 237,3,8 -
4492 bandana 3.479 -
4597 bandana 3.442,11,8 -
4598 bandana 4.307,16,8 -
6130 bandana 16.021,18,8 -
3415 bandana 7.485,2,8 -
3452 bandana 2.811,15,8 -
3457 bandana 3.742,11,8 -
2779 bandana 23.909,13,8 -
3226 bandana 7.715,14,8 -
3247 bandana 15.431,10 -
2226 bandana 10.912,2,8 -
2324 bandana 9.353,5 -
2325 bandana 4.676,12,8 -
2328 bandana 3.117,15 -
5183 bandana 9.262,8,8 -
5218 bandana 4.631,4 -
5219 bandana 3.087,9,8 -
5222 bandana 3.062,4 -
5226 bandana 6.132,19,8 -
1366 bandana 4.595,17 -
1374 bandana 15.198,10 -
1377 bandana 3.063,18 -
1385 bandana 3.063,18 -
18748 bandana Kasimbazars 9.440,10 -
18750 bandana Kasimbazars 5.745,13,8 -
18751 bandana Kasimbazars 1.572,19 -
18752 bandana Kasimbazars 3.145,18,8 -
18753 bandana Kasimbazars 4.720,4,8 -
18754 bandana Kasimbazars 4.720,4 -
18755 bandana Kasimbazars 2.872,17 -
showing results 132-171 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 208.643,9,8 - Indian guilders: 917.590,13 - number of results: 171.