Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "fruit"

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total value Dutch guilders: 22.849,3,8 - Indian guilders: 136.084,15,8 - number of results: 237.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
802 fruit Kaaps 429,12,8 -
811 fruit Kaaps 2.209,17 -
938 fruit Kaaps 2.614,8 -
1220 fruit Kaaps 1.554,10,8 -
1552 fruit Kaaps 493,1,8 -
1971 fruit Kaaps 236,10 -
1975 fruit Kaaps 1.658,10 -
14329 fruit - -
3847 fruit Kaaps - 565,1,8
2471 fruit 282,19,8 -
3844 fruit Kaaps - 617,2,8
3843 fruit Kaaps - 603,6,8
2844 fruit Kaaps 1.898,6 -
3085 fruit 110 -
3090 fruit 484,13 -
3091 fruit 473,5 -
3584 fruit 454,2 -
3837 fruit Kaaps - 133
3848 fruit Kaaps - 68,8
4549 fruit - 920,7,8
4558 fruit Kaaps - 1.075
4561 fruit - 159,16,8
4550 fruit - 258,18
4563 fruit - 299,18
4888 fruit Kaaps 396 -
4893 fruit Kaaps 1.552,1,8 -
4897 fruit Kaaps 258,8,8 -
5600 fruit Kaaps - 1.319
5602 fruit Kaaps - 564
5604 fruit - 893,17
5608 fruit - 830,14
5609 fruit - 1.019
5606 fruit - 96,16
5611 fruit - 352,9
5612 fruit - 114,4
5613 fruit - 878,8
5614 fruit - 91
5615 fruit - 506,5,8
5618 fruit - 32,16
5621 fruit - -
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total value Dutch guilders: 22.849,3,8 - Indian guilders: 136.084,15,8 - number of results: 237.