Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "nely (textiel)"

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showing results 1-21 -
total value Dutch guilders: 27.889,17 - Indian guilders: 32.361,13,8 - number of results: 21.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
6525 nely (textiel) Bengaals - 621,6
6538 nely (textiel) Bengaals - 1.392,17,8
6840 nely (textiel) - 8.037,15
7254 nely (textiel) - 2.397,10
7236 nely (textiel) - 3.308,4
7259 nely (textiel) - 910
5792 nely (textiel) Bengaals - 794,9,8
5934 nely (textiel) - 1.925
5938 nely (textiel) fijn - 3.034,10
4583 nely (textiel) Bengaals - 709,7
4996 nely (textiel) - 4.020,9
4997 nely (textiel) - 4.489,5,8
5000 nely (textiel) - 721
2790 nely (textiel) 3.010,18,8 -
3228 nely (textiel) 11.012,9,8 -
2328 nely (textiel) 2.417,7 -
1366 nely (textiel) 2.343,15 -
1377 nely (textiel) 1.562,10 -
1385 nely (textiel) 1.562,10 -
1374 nely (textiel) 3.872,15 -
1379 nely (textiel) 2.107,12 -
showing results 1-21 -
total value Dutch guilders: 27.889,17 - Indian guilders: 32.361,13,8 - number of results: 21.