Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "spek"

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showing results 590-629 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.936.099,1,1 - Indian guilders: 1.806.608,11,8 - number of results: 669.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
7802 spek - 951,3
7481 spek - 8.780,15
7458 spek gerookt - 6.836,12,8
7438 spek - 6.373,2,8
7436 spek - 735
7432 spek - 8.536,2,8
7430 spek - 15.102,7,8
7427 spek - 19.698,15
7422 spek - 13.132,10
7399 spek - 32.831,5
7390 spek - 45.963,15
7389 spek - 13.132,10
7194 spek Hollands, in 8 vaten - 767,1
7152 spek gerookt - -
6967 spek - 2.040
6848 spek - 450
6225 spek 525,6 -
6210 spek 180 -
6200 spek 270 -
6132 spek - 510
6071 spek - -
6061 spek - -
6060 spek - 15.300
5878 spek - 3.187,10
5822 spek - 2.400
5778 spek - 1.387,10
5239 spek Hollands 2.700 -
5238 spek Hollands 2.700 -
5100 spek in 6 vaten - 612
5088 spek - 612
5020 spek - 3.151,16,8
5002 spek - 3.283,2,8
4998 spek - 1.530
4993 spek - 1.530
4859 spek - -
4386 spek 525,6 -
4349 spek 450 -
4345 spek 450 -
4168 spek - 1.387,4
4148 spek 525,6 -
showing results 590-629 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.936.099,1,1 - Indian guilders: 1.806.608,11,8 - number of results: 669.