Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "cement"

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total value Dutch guilders: 14.313,1,8 - Indian guilders: 9.412,8,12 - number of results: 148.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
177 cement 168,6 -
709 cement 75,8,8 -
720 cement 271,11,8 -
1405 cement 22,7,8 -
1407 cement 22,7,8 -
1680 cement 333,3 -
1685 cement 333,3 -
1686 cement 366,9 -
1694 cement 219,7 -
1697 cement 194,16 -
1733 cement 36,8 -
1735 cement 23,12 -
1755 cement 226,6,8 -
1756 cement 226,6 -
1759 cement 103,17,8 -
1761 cement 104,13 -
1965 cement 118,6 -
2144 cement 136,7,8 -
3146 cement 21,7 -
3148 cement 21,7 -
3153 cement 21,7 -
3176 cement 211,19 -
5317 cement 33,11 -
5319 cement 33,11 -
11899 cement 238,6 -
18715 cement 138,8 -
18719 cement 118,10,8 -
18720 cement 117,8,8 -
18732 cement 122,13 -
18775 cement 19,14,8 -
18776 cement 19,7 -
14695 cement 244,13 -
9514 cement - 57,17,8
16720 cement 322,8 -
13111 cement - 343,5
7506 cement - 173,12
16939 cement - 61,2,8
14008 cement - 54,8
14433 cement - 28,9
16175 cement 156,15 -
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total value Dutch guilders: 14.313,1,8 - Indian guilders: 9.412,8,12 - number of results: 148.