Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "bandana"

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showing results 41-80 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 208.643,9,8 - Indian guilders: 917.590,13 - number of results: 171.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
9762 bandana - 16.901,1
9765 bandana - 3.148,16,8
10035 bandana - 37.892,9
10063 bandana - 18.355,10,8
10076 bandana - 30.884,11
10397 bandana - 33.310,7,8
10402 bandana tafta de foela - 3.331
10598 bandana - 1.652,8,8
10601 bandana - 7.787,14
10633 bandana - 1.652,8,8
10755 bandana tafta de foela - 16.706,2
10756 bandana tafta de foela - 7.734,9
10758 bandana - 14.762,6
10757 bandana Bengaals - 18.320,10
10767 bandana Bengaals - 37.892,9
10790 bandana Bengaals - 18.320,17,8
10827 bandana tafta de foela - 17.568,16,8
10851 bandana - 16.688,1
11341 bandana - 1.155,12,8
11356 bandana - 577,16
11397 bandana - 4.585,17
11401 bandana - 6.126,15,8
11405 bandana - 43.135,12
11408 bandana - 6.121,1
11459 bandana - 6.156,8,8
11463 bandana - 7.682,2
11811 bandana - 4.209,7,8
12113 bandana Bengaals - 2.232,16
12115 bandana Bengaals - 2.255,7
12126 bandana Bengaals - 2.255,7
12132 bandana zijden Bengaals - 1.127,13,8
12137 bandana Bengaals - 1.127,13,8
12142 bandana Bengaals - 3.382,19
12149 bandana Bengaals - 3.382,19,8
12227 bandana zijden Bengaals - 3.222,15
12246 bandana Bengaals - 4.389
12274 bandana Bengaals - 2.194,11
12281 bandana Bengaals - 3.291,15
12310 bandana Bengaals - 2.194,10,8
12336 bandana tafta de foela - 1.097,6
showing results 41-80 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 208.643,9,8 - Indian guilders: 917.590,13 - number of results: 171.