Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "gingam"

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showing results 2.503-2.542 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 953.894,10,8 - Indian guilders: 10.226.496,2,7 - number of results: 2.542.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
9376 gingam - 341,7,8
9380 gingam - 341,7,8
9385 gingam - 719,18
9393 gingam - 683
9609 gingam - 1.088,18,8
9656 gingam - 2.134,19,8
9860 gingam - 341,3
9863 gingam - 341,3
10075 gingam - 3.276
10396 gingam - 2.969,19
10430 gingam - 539,10
10756 gingam - 6.775,11,8
11040 gingam - 9.421,12
11071 gingam - 2.245,1,8
11075 gingam - 948,9,8
11218 gingam - 1.170,10
11241 gingam - 5.554,19
11251 gingam - 2.658,8,8
11257 gingam - 1.170,9,8
11289 gingam - 1.755,13,8
11354 gingam - 391,1
11428 gingam - 1.346,9
11459 gingam - 6.448,17,8
11552 gingam - 391,1
11811 gingam - 7.453,2
12568 gingam - 1.202,18,8
12602 gingam - 3.286,7
12706 gingam - 723,6
12875 gingam - 13.819,13,8
12767 gingam - 4.033,10
12774 gingam - 1.319,1
12783 gingam - 1.296,8
12802 gingam - 423,5,8
12817 gingam - 1.269,16,8
12881 gingam - 4.814,10
12991 gingam - 6.867
13015 gingam - 1.420,17,8
13017 gingam - 4.732,10
14063 gingam - 839,8,8
14066 gingam - 420,11
showing results 2.503-2.542 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 953.894,10,8 - Indian guilders: 10.226.496,2,7 - number of results: 2.542.