Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "laken"

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showing results 1.619-1.658 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.762.333,14,8 - Indian guilders: 5.021.092,8,10 - number of results: 1.658.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13304 laken - 3.631,4,8
13307 laken - 5.897,11
13329 laken - 5.349,7
13330 laken - 3.106,16,8
13331 laken - 2.838,8
13332 laken - 8.110,19,8
13351 laken - 3.895,12
13393 laken - 12.542,5,8
14246 laken - 12.163,2
14248 laken - 4.925,7,8
14786 laken 3.174,8,8 -
14789 laken 18.364,9,8 -
14792 laken 16.198,18 -
14796 laken 6.730,13 -
15271 laken - 22.265,3,8
15273 laken - 6.023,4
15275 laken - 6.791,2,8
15276 laken - 2.481,2,8
15676 laken - 22.304,3
15876 laken in soort - 727,7,8
16159 laken - 1.296,11,8
16161 laken - 8.414,17
16162 laken - 20.265,9
16156 laken - 11.402,14,8
16166 laken - 5.424,14,8
16185 laken - 13.405,4
16705 laken diverse 12.393,5 -
16707 laken in soort 9.949,2,8 -
16950 laken zwart - 378,17,8
16950 laken gekleurd - 330,10
17268 laken 27.848,19,8 -
17281 laken - 17,8
17284 laken - 4.808,7,8
17286 laken - 12.371,13
18138 laken - 41.152,15
18158 laken - 20.909,9,8
18160 laken - 4.171,15,8
18161 laken - 4.302,10
18775 laken diverse 902,3,8 -
18776 laken grof billands 392,9 -
showing results 1.619-1.658 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.762.333,14,8 - Indian guilders: 5.021.092,8,10 - number of results: 1.658.