Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "bordpapier"

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total value Dutch guilders: 1.840,16,8 - Indian guilders: 1.019,3,8 - number of results: 182.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
11611 bordpapier - 81,5
13288 bordpapier 19,8 -
13298 bordpapier 18,12 -
13302 bordpapier 46 -
13303 bordpapier 63,16 -
13392 bordpapier - 29,16,8
14246 bordpapier 46 -
14787 bordpapier 67 -
15273 bordpapier 37,8 -
15676 bordpapier 48 -
16702 bordpapier 67 -
17270 bordpapier 55 -
17285 bordpapier 67 -
18159 bordpapier 35 -
179 bordpapier 124,18,8 -
7457 bordpapier - -
7459 bordpapier - 10
13343 bordpapier 20,12 -
13342 bordpapier 15,18 -
13391 bordpapier - 5,1,8
13397 bordpapier - 7,10
14272 bordpapier dik 4,17,8 -
14815 bordpapier dik 10,10 -
15282 bordpapier 10 -
15684 bordpapier 11,17 -
16202 bordpapier 4 -
16716 bordpapier 43,12 -
16718 bordpapier - -
17292 bordpapier 11,17 -
17294 bordpapier 9,7 -
11619 bordpapier - -
13346 bordpapier 12,10 -
13347 bordpapier 6,19,8 -
13366 bordpapier 15 -
14275 bordpapier 3,17,8 -
14817 bordpapier dik 8,12,8 -
15286 bordpapier dik 6,5 -
15708 bordpapier 11,5 -
16212 bordpapier 3,2,8 -
16721 bordpapier 32,2,8 -
showing results 1-40 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 1.840,16,8 - Indian guilders: 1.019,3,8 - number of results: 182.