Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Sloterdijk"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 414-453 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 4.570.173,2,4 - number of results: 453.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
8123 kardemom - 62,14
8123 huid gedroogd ruw - 667,2
8799 wijn in soort - 16.969,3
8963 ezel - -
8963 ezelin - -
8963 samen - 35,2
8963 equipagegoederen - 9.133,17
8963 in aanrekening - 160,16
9606 sapanhout - 2.870,8
9606 rijst - 18.872,15
9968 zilver baar - 165.860,14
9968 duiten - 5.040
9968 plaatkoper - 2.201,17
9968 lood in soort - 2.760,5,8
9968 lijnolie - 607,17
9968 equipagegoederen - 16.734,4,8
9968 artilleriegoederen - 362,8
9968 ambachtsgoederen - 570,17
9968 ijzer - -
9968 spijker - -
9968 samen - 7.829,17,8
10198 mosterdzaad - 74,5,8
10198 zeemleer - 210
10198 fruit - 724,9
10198 graan - 8.004,8
10198 provisie - 538,15,8
10388 kaneel - 18.667,15
10388 kardemom - 46,16
10388 areka - 4.648,1,8
10388 steen in soort - 181,9,8
10388 equipagegoederen - 21.659,19
10959 ijzer - 1.854
10959 pelsteen - 185,8
10959 smeekolen - 355,7
10959 timmerhout in soort - 2.540,3,8
10959 equipagegoederen - 299,13,8
11084 metselkalk - 2.327,19,8
11084 angelyplank - 301,13,8
11084 bamboe lang - 46
18797 ropia zilveren Surats - 150.248,10
showing results 414-453 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 4.570.173,2,4 - number of results: 453.