Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "kamelot"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 1-27 -
total value Dutch guilders: 2.470,13 - Indian guilders: 9.737,5 - number of results: 27.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
12514 kamelot - 274,18
17324 kamelot - 920,10,8
14228 kamelot tot geschenk voor de koning van Siam - 577,8,8
14292 kamelot - 192
11041 kamelot - 705,14
11650 kamelot - 1.887
11867 kamelot - 903,10
11886 kamelot - 578,18,8
11894 kamelot - 555,16
12047 kamelot - 224,8
13343 kamelot - 329,12
13346 kamelot - 567,2,8
14582 kamelot - 135,19
14676 kamelot voor Malabar - 165
14754 kamelot 832,7,8 -
14775 kamelot 500,16,8 -
14782 kamelot 189,11,8 -
14785 kamelot 440,17,8 -
14957 kamelot 325,17,8 -
16168 kamelot - 196,11
16178 kamelot - 273,8
16721 kamelot 181,2,8 -
17286 kamelot - 357,17,8
17289 kamelot - 224,2
17291 kamelot - 190,12,8
17309 kamelot - 344,14,8
17459 kamelot - 132,2,8
showing results 1-27 -
total value Dutch guilders: 2.470,13 - Indian guilders: 9.737,5 - number of results: 27.