Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "panlat"

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showing results 1-40 - first - previous - next - last
total value Dutch guilders: 450 - Indian guilders: 5.822,17 - number of results: 50.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15236 panlat - 45
16093 panlat bayenhouten - 75
18230 panlat bayenhouten - 67,10
15665 panlat - 162,10
14001 panlat - 60
14108 panlat bayenhouten - 162,10
16193 panlat - 111
16732 panlat - 58,2,8
18079 panlat - 9
18094 panlat - 75
18096 panlat - 137,10
16667 panlat - 201,10
17386 panlat - 206,5
17400 panlat - 206,5
3938 panlat - 240
4753 panlat gezaagd - -
14007 panlat - 175
17663 panlat - 91
17667 panlat - 137,10
18523 panlat - 100
9286 panlat 450 -
14015 panlat - 171,10
14306 panlat - 148,15
14506 panlat - -
16199 panlat - 111
17428 panlat - 11,5
13525 panlat gesorteerd - 78,10
13531 panlat gezaagd - 160,7,8
15123 panlat - 132,3,8
16277 panlat - 270
16435 panlat - 302,5
17571 panlat - 771,11
17592 panlat - 45
3979 panlat - 45
13881 panlat bayenhouten - 32,10
13991 panlat - 36
14199 panlat - 116,5
14307 panlat bayenhouten - 130
16675 panlat - 42,5
17415 panlat - 41,5
showing results 1-40 - first - previous - next - last
total value Dutch guilders: 450 - Indian guilders: 5.822,17 - number of results: 50.