Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "zand"

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total value Dutch guilders: 4.671,2 - Indian guilders: 2.336,1,8 - number of results: 55.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17678 zand om tot geschenk te dienen - -
14313 zand Brussels - 14
16210 zand Brussels - 13,17,8
16660 zand Brussels - 13,5
17724 zand Brussels - 19,10
17751 zand Brussels - 19,10
18106 zand Brussels - 20
15259 zand Brussels - 15
2863 zand Brussels 222,2 -
4264 zand tot ballast - 438,18
5396 zand - 186
6216 zand Brussels - 60,19
7128 zand Brussels - 182,17,8
7137 zand Brussels - 78,14
7422 zand Brussels - 17,10
7457 zand Brussels - 9,11
7459 zand Brussels - 89
11604 zand Brussels - 22
11607 zand Brussels - 206
11801 zand wit - 144,14
13134 zand Brussels - 22
13138 zand Brussels - 110
13293 zand Brussels 225 -
13330 zand Brussels - 37,15
13391 zand Brussels - 33,5
13392 zand Brussels - 140
15271 zand Brussels 120 -
16682 zand Brussels met de vaten 150 -
16685 zand Brussels 150 -
16697 zand Brussels 150 -
16714 zand 13 -
17252 zand Naarder 66 -
17287 zand Brussels 375 -
18158 zand Brussels 1.152 -
18160 zand Brussels 960 -
18161 zand Brussels 1.088 -
14816 zand Brussels - 22
14818 zand Brussels - 100
16801 zand Brussels - 28
16926 zand Brussels - 33,15
showing results 1-40 - first - previous - next - last
total value Dutch guilders: 4.671,2 - Indian guilders: 2.336,1,8 - number of results: 55.