Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "schellak"

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total value Dutch guilders: 22.168,15 - Indian guilders: 87.574,17 - number of results: 128.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
1366 schellak 1.080 -
1375 schellak 1.793,15 -
1379 schellak 918,15 -
1374 schellak tot onderlaag in deze bodem 1.000 -
1383 schellak 918,15 -
1385 schellak 1.040 -
5298 schellak - 1.595,18,8
2226 schellak 480 -
2324 schellak 440 -
2328 schellak 1.480 -
2790 schellak 2.512,10 -
3228 schellak 1.256,5 -
3247 schellak 628,2,8 -
3248 schellak 628,2,8 -
3415 schellak 1.256,5 -
3457 schellak 1.256,5 -
4171 schellak - 1.846,5
4173 schellak - 1.846,5
4999 schellak - 820,17
5003 schellak - 725,19
5183 schellak 800 -
5219 schellak 800 -
5226 schellak 800 -
5370 schellak - 1.204,10
5625 schellak - 2.957,10
5636 schellak - 3.071,5
5640 schellak - 2.843,15
5934 schellak - 2.259,6
5938 schellak - 2.259,6
6401 schellak - 1.960
6402 schellak - 2.082,10
6403 schellak - 1.880
6838 schellak - 1.316,16,8
6841 schellak - 1.316,16,8
7236 schellak - 4.237,8,8
7254 schellak - 2.569,8
7259 schellak - 4.237,8,8
8362 schellak - 1.582,17
8363 schellak - 1.582,17
8364 schellak - 1.582,17
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total value Dutch guilders: 22.168,15 - Indian guilders: 87.574,17 - number of results: 128.