Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "onbekend"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 724-763 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 479.995,7 - Indian guilders: 3.437.911,15,4 - number of results: 803.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17481 salpeter - 35.935,7
17481 gunizak - 798,15
17481 guni - 1.980,18,8
17481 wasdoek - 1.611,12,8
17481 wieltros - 543
17481 lijn wit - 21,9
17481 loodlijn - 79,1
17481 zeilgaren - 100,6
17481 ijzertros - 276,18
17481 lont - 1.191,7
17481 mong - 3.119,10
17481 ongelden op de trossen, lijnen etcetera - 98,17
17520 dukaten gouden Europees - 31.934,10
17520 goud gesmolten - 9.302,8
17520 zilver gesmolten - 4.034,19
17520 realen Spaans - 3.822,8
17520 ropia gouden Moorse - 2.337,10
17520 wol Kirmans - 40.380,18,8
17590 peper zwart - 313,13,8
17590 leggerduig - 524,10
17590 balk in soort - 397,4
17590 zwalp in soort - 387,1
17590 musket waaronder 7 pees ongetaxeerd - 1.894,8
17590 bandelier - 343,15
17590 ongelden - 59,19
17684 salempuris ruw - 805,4
17684 parcallen ruw - 1.244,4
17692 salempuris ruw - 1.207,4
17692 parcallen ruw - 829,3
17692 muris ruw - 2.748,16
17692 rijst - 3.532
17695 guinees ruw - 1.012,18
17696 toepettijs bij de Caljemerra - 529,15
17697 guinees ruw - 470,15
17697 muris ruw - 93,4
17697 hoofddoek fijn - 63,10
17697 buskruit - 2.780,7
17722 djatiduig - 52,10
17722 rotan Javaans - 23,2,8
17722 ongelden Ceylonse, 1 1/2 procent - 1,3
showing results 724-763 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 479.995,7 - Indian guilders: 3.437.911,15,4 - number of results: 803.