Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Zuiderburg"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 246.526,19,8 - Indian guilders: 4.517.629,3,8 - number of results: 537.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
6070 samen - 11.845,19,8
6554 peper zwart geharpt - 21.353,4
6554 peper wit - 1.174,8
6554 tin in soort - 64.128
6554 wapenkamergoederen - 1.015,19,8
6554 provisie - 912,6
6554 in aanrekening - 2.734,4
6614 rijst - 16.400
6664 realen van achten - 192.000
6664 perpetuanen - 227,13,8
6664 monteringsrok - -
6664 monteringsbroek - -
6664 samen - 3.966,5
6664 salempuris gebleekt Bengaals - 966,12
6664 gunizak - 120
6664 deken Surats - 1.458,12,8
6664 nootmuskaat middelbaar - 20
6664 pakgaren Bengaals - 17,2
6664 garioffelnagel - 79,4
6664 rozenwater Perzisch - 18,7,8
6664 kardoespapier - 7
6664 rijst - 234,16
6664 equipagegoederen - 1.029,5,8
6664 wapenkamergoederen - 345,3
6664 ambachtsgoederen - 1.601,12
6664 kleinigheden - 200,15
6664 medicamenten - 241,13
6664 provisie - 1.345,6
6664 ijzer - -
6664 spijker - -
6664 ongelden 2 procent - 230,15
6664 in aanrekening - 11.114,10
6720 dukatons zilveren - 301.392
6720 laken in soort - 6.098,6,8
6720 glas - 53
6720 brandewijn - 321,8,8
6720 kwikzilver - 2.826,11
6720 cochenille - 2.312,5,8
6720 lood in kasten - 43,8
6720 platlood - 720,5,8
showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 246.526,19,8 - Indian guilders: 4.517.629,3,8 - number of results: 537.