Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Westerdijkshorn"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

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showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 923.138,2,8 - Indian guilders: 3.740.269,12 - number of results: 753.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
13668 parcallen gemeen gebleekt Kust - 1.181,3,8
13668 dongris gebleekt Kust - 3.455,8
13668 roemaals sesterganty Kust - 1.980
13668 armozijn - -
13668 stoffen zijden Bengaals - -
13668 samen - 5.129,15
13668 atchiabanijs Bengaals - 671,5
13668 alibanees Bengaals - 3.602
13668 amirtje Bengaals - 1.176,6
13668 sits Bengaals - 3.645,8
13668 allegias Bengaals - 668,15
13668 deriabadijs Bengaals - 4.163,8
13668 cassa Bengaals - 18.650,1,8
13668 dasje Bengaals - 1.409,10
13668 douriassen Bengaals - 5.084,13,8
13668 dongris Bengaals - 2.726,15,8
13668 photas Bengaals - 751,10
13668 gerassen Bengaals - 7.646,9,8
13668 guinees lijnwaad gebleekt Bengaals - 9.647,13,8
13668 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 998
13668 gingam pinasse Bengaals - 518,19,8
13668 hammans Bengaals - 1.898,10
13668 malmal Bengaals - 19.035,10
13668 roemaals neusdoeken Bengaals - 7.076,5,8
13668 sanen Bengaals - 1.669,1,8
13668 soesjes Bengaals - 9.320,12,8
13668 terindani Bengaals - 1.788,19,8
13668 tansjeebs Bengaals - 4.938,6,8
13668 zijde ruw Bengaals - 84.453,14
13668 floretgaren Bengaals - 3.848
13668 tessergaren Bengaals - 2.694,4,8
13668 garen katoenen Bengaals - 232,8
13668 borax Bengaals - 1.170
13668 salpeter Bengaals - 8.386,9
13668 baftas wit breed hele Surats - 2.211,12
13668 baftas wit smal hele Surats - 1.767,14
13668 baftas zwart breed hele Surats - 715,11
13668 bherms Surats - 915,8,8
13668 carroots Surats - 4.882,3,8
13668 niquanias Surats - 4.152,2,8
showing results 121-160 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 923.138,2,8 - Indian guilders: 3.740.269,12 - number of results: 753.