Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Sloten"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 618-657 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 6.087.372,4 - number of results: 777.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15579 hoornperkament - 42
15579 passer koperen - 16,8
15579 naald in soort - 2,14
15579 snijmes groot - -
15579 handpers - -
15579 boek gedrukt, in soort - 332,4
15579 bordpapier - 12,10
15579 porselein diverse Japans - 570
15579 zeefblad - -
15579 zeefrand - -
15579 mortier metalen - 768,19
15579 buideldoek fijn - -
15579 krijt - 3,3
15579 draaislijpsteen - 32,2
15579 tarwe Bengaals - 1.515
15579 wijn Frans - 1.400
15579 sekwijn - 740
15579 mom - 1.200
15579 bier Luiks - 279
15579 bier Haantjes- - 257,10
15579 arak - 3.200
15579 zout inlands - 216
15579 wijn Rinse - 1.360
15579 boter Bengaals - 1.000
15579 olijfolie - 244
15579 bier Zerbster- - 135
15579 beitel - -
15579 guts - -
15579 vermoorbeitel - -
15579 omslag houten - -
15579 boorijzer - -
15579 lijst - -
15579 schaaf hol - -
15579 schaaf rond - -
15579 ploeg - -
15579 kerfbijl - -
15579 dissel - -
15579 handzaag - -
15579 avegaar - -
15579 handschroef - -
showing results 618-657 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 6.087.372,4 - number of results: 777.