Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Schuitwijk"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 346-385 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 418.794,19,8 - Indian guilders: 7.614.186,4 - number of results: 465.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17350 slons - 4,10
17350 pek - 102
17350 harpuis - 40
17350 djatiduig - 1.200
17350 blok in soort - 1,4
17350 aamhoep halve - 100
17350 nachthuiskompas gemeen - 15
17350 naald onleesbaar - 1,17,8
17350 onleesbaar - 25,5
17350 spijker onleesbaar - 240
17350 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 221,19
17456 armozijn Bengaals - -
17456 stoffen zijden Bengaals - -
17456 samen - 404.099,9,8
17456 allegias Bengaals - 38.170,7,8
17456 atchiabanijs Bengaals - 6.586,14,8
17456 cassa Bengaals in soort - 214.324,6
17456 sits Bengaals - 2.876,2,8
17456 douriassen Bengaals - 52.414,12,8
17456 dongris Bengaals - 2.878,16
17456 dasje Bengaals - 12.840,18
17456 photas Bengaals - 44.030,4
17456 guinees lijnwaad gebleekt Bengaals - 255.984,2
17456 gerassen Bengaals - 117.948,9
17456 gingam pinasse Bengaals - 1.657,15
17456 gingam gestreept Bengaals - 26.569,17,8
17456 gingam taffachelas Bengaals - 14.660,5
17456 gingam effen Bengaals - 4.027,19
17456 hammans Bengaals - 46.391,10
17456 malmal Bengaals - 180.495,10
17456 pinasse cors Bengaals - 2.185,9,8
17456 roemaals neusdoeken Bengaals - 62.685,10
17456 soesjes Bengaals - 44.715,5,8
17456 salempuris Bengaals - 9.847,18,8
17456 sollogesjes Bengaals - 7.551,7
17456 terindani Bengaals - 39.855,9,8
17456 tansjeebs Bengaals - 52.611,9
17456 sanen Bengaals - 16.903,1
17456 bindkoord zijden Bengaals - 83
17456 zijde ruw Bengaals - 328.547,18,8
showing results 346-385 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 418.794,19,8 - Indian guilders: 7.614.186,4 - number of results: 465.