Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Raadhuis van Enkhuizen"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 401-440 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 37.300,9,8 - Indian guilders: 2.747.189,16,8 - number of results: 520.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
15308 dongris Bengaals, in 1 pak - 183,16,8
15308 guinees lijnwaad gebleekt Bengaals, in 7 pakken - 2.244,12
15308 zijde ruw Bengaals in 39 balen - 24.263,13
15308 borax Bengaals, in 11 blazen - 682
15308 baftas wit breed Surats, in 2 pakken - 669,6,8
15308 carroots Surats, in 1 pak - 339,15
15308 bherms Surats, in 1 pak - 415,10
15308 beraupaats wit Surats, in 3 pakken - 1.679,2
15308 sawagesjes wit Surats, in 4 pakken - 1.806,5
15308 garen katoenen Surats, in 6 balen - 455,8
15308 indigo Surats, in 10 balen - 1.047,15
15308 guinees ruw Tuticorins, in 35 pakken - 6.387,12,8
15308 guinees gemeen gebleekt Tuticorins, in 70 pakken - 12.544,18
15308 salempuris gebleekt Surats, in 49 pakken - 16.233,5,8
15308 kurkuma Malabars in 13 balen - 184,5,8
15308 wol Kirmans in 19 balen - 1.273
15308 zijde ruw Perzisch in 4 balen - 2.848,18
15308 zijde ruw Chinees in 6 balen - 1.638,3,8
15308 garioffelnagel - 9.765,12,8
15308 foelie macis in 101 sokkels - 8.554,14
15308 kaneel in 234 balen - 5.616
15308 nootmuskaat in soort - 1.417,4
15308 nootmuskaat gekonfijt, in 1 aam - 133,10,8
15308 peper zwart - 20.385,6
15308 peper wit in 12 balen - 327,4,8
15308 kamfer Japans, in 8 balies - 575,14,8
15308 poedersuiker in 290 kasten en canaster - 6.251,19,8
15308 sapanhout Bimanees - 700
15308 indigo Javaans in 4 kasten - 616,9,8
15308 garen katoenen Javaans in 14 balen - 743,4
15308 gomlak Siamees in 2 kasten - 232,6,8
15308 suikerkist tot de poedersuiker - 250
15308 emballage - 38
15308 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 4.610,1,8
16529 peper - 9.424,16
16529 salpeter - 29.492,7
16529 sapanhout Siamees - 1.657,10
16529 moghtazijde of florette garen - 12.090,6,8
16529 tannyzijde - 23.097,4,8
16529 tanna-bannazijde - 7.409,15
showing results 401-440 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 37.300,9,8 - Indian guilders: 2.747.189,16,8 - number of results: 520.