Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Mijnden"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 823-862 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 506.512,7 - Indian guilders: 4.098.653,3 - number of results: 942.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
18067 essaaitang groot 11 -
18067 gietpackel 6,13 -
18067 handblaasbalg 3,18 -
18067 vijl groot en klein 1,11,8 -
18067 handschaaf 1,17 -
18067 handtang 1,16,8 -
18067 handhamer groot en klein 3,15,8 -
18067 lood dun geblazen 6,6 -
18067 doos blikken 2,10 -
18067 mineraalsteentje 9,8,8 -
18067 goudscherfje 3,2 -
18067 aambeeld 8,17,8 -
18067 scheikolf 3,2,8 -
18067 kroes blauw 13,2 -
18067 glet 3,5,8 -
18067 borax 5,8,8 -
18067 zwavel vivum 19 -
18067 arsenicum album 17 -
18067 talgar 2,10,8 -
18067 aluin 9 -
18067 salmiak 8,3 -
18067 sal alkali 1,17,8 -
18067 tartrate 2,2 -
18067 antimonium 10 -
18067 kwikzilver sublimatum 2,17,8 -
18067 caput mortuum 13 -
18067 glasgal 4 -
18067 zeep verredis 6 -
18067 glas verredis 7 -
18067 wijnsteen 20,18,8 -
18067 beenderas 13,3 -
18067 essaaiwater 21,6 -
18067 aqua fortis 8,7,8 -
18067 buideldoek in 6 rollen 212,16 -
18067 spijker koperen van nr. 3 en 4 60 -
18067 kas 10,4 -
18067 leggerband hele, wegend 34.118 lb 2.558,17 -
18067 smeekolen 216 -
18067 pek 540 -
18067 teer 440 -
showing results 823-862 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 506.512,7 - Indian guilders: 4.098.653,3 - number of results: 942.