Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Krooswijk"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 466-505 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 135.656,18 - Indian guilders: 8.843.390,19 - number of results: 625.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17477 ongelden onleesbaar - 877,12
17579 zwalp tot lijfhouten - 224,5
17579 balk in soort - 1.425
17579 plank gezaagd Chinees - 922,10
17579 schouw - 631,3,8
18001 zilver baar - 1.640.350,16,8
18001 laken - 2.556,17,8
18001 jucht Moskovisch - 36,8
18001 spiegel - 3.206,9,8
18001 draad goud- en zilver- - 1.469,12,8
18001 satijn Hollands - 488,5,8
18001 kramerij - 780,7,8
18001 balans - 205,13,8
18001 lood in kasten - 81,11,8
18001 lood in zeugen en schuiten - 3.007
18001 staafkoper Japans - 48.654,10
18001 zink - 7.500,6
18001 sapanhout Siamees - 925
18001 nootmuskaat gekonfijt - 21,5,8
18001 koperkist - 191,12,8
18001 touw zwaar van 17 duim - 2.600
18001 kabeltouw - 700
18001 ijzertros Hollands - 300
18001 zeildoek Hollands - 408
18001 pompleer - 40
18001 boeileer - 30
18001 anker zwaar - 1.773
18001 zeilnaald - 5
18001 hanglamp rond - 16,10
18001 teer - 360
18001 zwartsel - 1,17,8
18001 djatiplank - 600
18001 djatiduig - 16,17,8
18001 leggerhoep in soort - 187,10
18001 nachthuiskompas gemeen - 11
18001 vijgertouw - 1.350
18001 kayirutouw - 2.370
18001 dieplood - 45,18
18001 nachtglas - 2,8
18001 smeekolen - 240
showing results 466-505 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 135.656,18 - Indian guilders: 8.843.390,19 - number of results: 625.