Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Bon"

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showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 4.004.646,15 - number of results: 801.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
14378 peper wit in 170 balen - 4.638,1,8
14383 tin - 62.877,1
14383 sapanhout - 10.984,1
14383 schar gedroogd, in 1 vat - 17
14854 armozijn - 89.214,12,8
14854 allegias - 7.300,15
14854 atlas - 11.224,18,8
14854 adaties - 291,10,8
14854 bethilles cangan - 9.545,19
14854 cassa - 17.690,10
14854 chamchanijs - 21.533,1,8
14854 sits - 46.719,8
14854 douriassen - 952,16
14854 dasje - 1.867,3
14854 dongris - 403,6
14854 deriabadijs - 34.767,8
14854 photas - 13.299,8
14854 guinees gebleekt - 32.250,5
14854 gerassen - 43.990,19,8
14854 gingam taffachelas - 17.884,2,8
14854 gingam pinasse - 3.911,13
14854 gingam effen - 4.581,13
14854 gingam geruit - 618,16
14854 guni lang - 1.682,7,8
14854 gunizak - 1.017,11,8
14854 malmal - 5.548,15,8
14854 pinasse cors - 2.850,19,8
14854 roemaals neusdoeken - 1.064,17
14854 sjeklassen - 7.909,8
14854 terindani - 2.813,16,8
14854 tansjeebs - 7.982,13
14854 zeildoek - 21.997,8,8
14854 opium - 215.330,9
14854 borax - 15.459,11,8
14854 floretgaren - 18.459,1
14854 pakgaren - -
14854 zijde ruw - 284.867,16,8
14854 salpeter - 69.479,15
14854 zeildoek fijn Bengaals - 482,8
14854 touw zwaar Hollands onbekwaam - -
showing results 161-200 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 0 - Indian guilders: 4.004.646,15 - number of results: 801.