Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • ship name = "Bleiswijk"

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The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 396-435 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 973.977 - Indian guilders: 4.365.107,11,10 - number of results: 555.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
7259 cassa - 73.574,19,8
7259 bethilles cangan - 8.577,12,8
7259 tansjeebs - 27.675,6,8
7259 kharradherry - 2.541
7259 douriassen - 53.106,6
7259 malmal - 33.306,3
7259 roemaals - 18.716,19,8
7259 nely (textiel) - 910
7259 tepois - 1.172,10
7259 terindani - 19.089,16,8
7259 dosooty - 3.668
7259 dongris - 735
7259 saai sichtermans - 1.680
7259 photas - 2.119,10,8
7259 allegias - 362,19
7259 keper - 1.256,5
7259 baftas - 11.640,19,8
7259 bandana - 13.810,17
7259 sjappa sarries - 7.510,19,8
7259 sjappa lens - 19.753,3,8
7259 amirtje - 6.170,7,8
7259 deriabadijs - 3.666,3
7259 lacorijns - 2.065,2,8
7259 dongris gebleekt Patnase - 943,15,8
7259 kist - 295,2
7259 emballage - -
7259 artilleriegoederen - -
7259 munitiegoederen - -
7259 samen - 7.274,1
7259 interest - 29.538,19,8
7259 tol - 9.230,9
7259 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 9.407,10
7259 ongelden op de Patnase retouren - 1.108,4,8
7266 dosooty - 634,4
7266 gunizak ordinaris fijn - 1.335
7266 zeildoek - 10,15,8
7266 emballage - 8,14,8
7266 interest - 137,17
7266 tol - 15,17
7266 ongelden op koopmanschappen - 39,7,8
showing results 396-435 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 973.977 - Indian guilders: 4.365.107,11,10 - number of results: 555.