Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "zink"

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showing results 155-194 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 211.041,4 - Indian guilders: 1.775.625,2,8 - number of results: 314.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
9679 zink - 59.993,14
9797 zink - 1.176,1
9800 zink - 980,1
9834 zink - 11.423,18
9837 zink - 19.039,14
9848 zink - 4.900,13,8
9850 zink - 4.900,13,8
9852 zink - 4.900,13,8
9853 zink - 4.900,3,8
9857 zink - 1.960,1,8
9913 zink - 21,10,8
9919 zink - 19,1
9946 zink - 1.375,12,8
9948 zink - 2.450,2
9973 zink - 24.500,19
10166 zink - 35.936,2
10265 zink - 1.688,3
10266 zink - 8.440,16
10295 zink - 4.226,8
10297 zink - 4.220,8
10315 zink - 4.220,8
10326 zink - 5.831,2
10345 zink - 844
10428 zink - 749,11
10430 zink - 1.050,17
10535 zink - 249,12
10729 zink - 40.343,10
10780 zink - 92.290,7,8
10824 zink - 10.085,17,8
10829 zink - 4.040,16
10866 zink - 8.082,16,8
10871 zink - 8.082,16
10904 zink - 10.103,10
10913 zink - 52.822
11075 zink - 41,14
11192 zink - 9.001,19
11270 zink - 48.968,17,8
11426 zink - 25.360
11529 zink - 41,14
11582 zink - 24.862,11,8
showing results 155-194 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 211.041,4 - Indian guilders: 1.775.625,2,8 - number of results: 314.