Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "zink"

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showing results 115-154 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 211.041,4 - Indian guilders: 1.775.625,2,8 - number of results: 314.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
8068 zink - 3.122,8
8084 zink - 4.512,12
8090 zink - 6.917,12
8108 zink - 601,14,8
8129 zink - 4.824,11
8132 zink - 3.122,7
8133 zink - 3.127,7
8134 zink - 3.127,16
8139 zink - 7.805,1,8
8142 zink - 3.122,1
8185 zink - 230,8
8502 zink - 16.249,8
8587 zink - 602,7
8606 zink - 70.648,6,8
8646 zink - 24.979,16
8647 zink - 29.445,13
8920 zink 1.898,16,8 -
8921 zink 1.897,10 -
8924 zink 1.897,17,8 -
8927 zink 1.896,15 -
8936 zink 1.897,10 -
8960 zink - 1.326
8972 zink - 5.100
8975 zink - 5.100
8976 zink - 816
8977 zink - 1.223,12
8980 zink - 2.040
9009 zink - 2.041,8,8
9010 zink - 1.834,9,8
9115 zink - 4.998,3,8
9143 zink 3,16 -
9150 zink - 76.203,9
9193 zink 3,12 -
9277 zink 14.175 -
9301 zink - 1.904,2
9338 zink - 4.759,18
9345 zink - 9.519,17
9359 zink - 19.077,17
9520 zink - 1.778,2
9523 zink - 2.284,15
showing results 115-154 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 211.041,4 - Indian guilders: 1.775.625,2,8 - number of results: 314.