Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "zeilgaren"

Search for voyages with these conditions or search again.

The calculated total value of the results on this screen can give a misleading impression: sometimes the value of a product is not known, because the value is listed only for a group of products taken together. Click here to count only items of which the value is known.

showing results 368-407 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 32.568,8,8 - Indian guilders: 69.176,14 - number of results: 567.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16365 zeilgaren - -
16365 zeilgaren inlands - 8
16379 zeilgaren Hollands - 5,10
16392 zeilgaren - 3,6
16415 zeilgaren - 118,9
16440 zeilgaren - 3
16527 zeilgaren - 200
16544 zeilgaren Hollands - 10
16640 zeilgaren Hollands en inlands - 75
16642 zeilgaren Bengaals - 106,19
16642 zeilgaren Hollands - 7,10
16643 zeilgaren Hollands - 50
16647 zeilgaren inlands - 25
16656 zeilgaren Hollands en inlands - 100
16658 zeilgaren Hollands - 10
16660 zeilgaren diverse - 62,10
16662 zeilgaren - 4
16665 zeilgaren Hollands - 25
16667 zeilgaren Hollands - 52
16668 zeilgaren Hollands - 3
16672 zeilgaren Hollands, tot geschenk voor de koning - 25
16679 zeilgaren - -
16679 zeilgaren in soort - 75
16680 zeilgaren Hollands - 25
16682 zeilgaren 156 -
16684 zeilgaren inlands - 12,10
16684 zeilgaren - 4,12
16686 zeilgaren in soort - 75
16697 zeilgaren 156 -
16702 zeilgaren 117 -
16713 zeilgaren - 10
16723 zeilgaren - -
16731 zeilgaren diverse, met de kast 347,15 -
16732 zeilgaren - 5
16733 zeilgaren Bengaals - -
16736 zeilgaren - 40
16738 zeilgaren Hollands - 1
16740 zeilgaren Bengaals - 15
16742 zeilgaren inlands - 6
16745 zeilgaren inlands - -
showing results 368-407 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 32.568,8,8 - Indian guilders: 69.176,14 - number of results: 567.