Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "thee"

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showing results 369-408 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 430.679,3 - Indian guilders: 24.792.891,6 - number of results: 528.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
16323 thee boei - 135.000,12
16323 thee bing - 6.986,17,8
16446 thee wit - 34.978,5,8
16446 thee bing - 1.227,12
16446 thee boei - 27.219
16447 thee wit - 35.350,1,8
16447 thee boei - 67.683,14,8
16447 thee bing - 3.488,13
16463 thee wit - 17.502,18
16463 thee bing - 657,12
16463 thee boei - 13.595,8
16464 thee wit - 8.832
16464 thee boei - 16.564,18
16464 thee bing - 875,10,8
16471 thee wit - 4.375,8
16471 thee bing - 142,16
16471 thee boei - 3.396,14,8
16472 thee wit - 37.459,9
16472 thee boei - 18.280,1,8
16473 thee wit - 8.844,8,8
16473 thee boei - 16.888,16
16473 thee bing - 896,13
16477 thee wit - 4.382,15,8
16477 thee bing - 147,12
16477 thee boei - 3.524,8,8
16478 thee wit - 8.827,17
16478 thee boei - 16.704,2
16478 thee bing - 864
16482 thee wit - 4.384,2,8
16482 thee bing - 142,16
16482 thee boei - 3.493,19,8
16483 thee wit - 8.843,1
16483 thee boei - 16.591,1,8
16483 thee bing - 867,17
16487 thee wit - 19.560,18
16487 thee boei - 9.029,5,8
16490 thee wit - 5.050,6,8
16490 thee boei - 2.233,18,8
16493 thee wit - 4.929,19
16493 thee boei - 2.037,7
showing results 369-408 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 430.679,3 - Indian guilders: 24.792.891,6 - number of results: 528.