Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia


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You searched for cargo with the following properties:
  • product name = "photas"

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showing results 701-740 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 144.774,17 - Indian guilders: 2.212.603,17,8 - number of results: 820.
Voyage Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
17166 photas Bengaals - 614,14
17169 photas Bengaals - 3.222,15
17172 photas Bengaals - 614,14
17173 photas Bengaals - 3.175,1
17176 photas Bengaals - 569,5
17184 photas Bengaals - 1.040,13,8
17189 photas Bengaals - 683,12
17192 photas Bengaals - 691,17
17203 photas Bengaals - 618,13
17205 photas Bengaals - 757,14
17209 photas Bengaals - 708,12
17216 photas Bengaals - 1.025,8
17224 photas Bengaals - 623,11
17314 photas Bengaals - 683,12
17318 photas Bengaals - 1.173,12
17322 photas Bengaals - 659,15
17329 photas Bengaals - 842,4
17330 photas Bengaals - 984,7,8
17335 photas Bengaals - 2.596,17
17362 photas Bengaals - 1.256,12,8
17386 photas Bengaals - 619,13,8
17456 photas Bengaals - 44.030,4
17463 photas - 2.883,7,8
17470 photas - 6.530,13,8
17477 photas - 28.255,16
17478 photas - 3.793,1
17481 photas - 33.100,10,8
17651 photas Bengaals - 1.579,2,8
17662 photas Bengaals - 4.621,13,8
17667 photas Bengaals - 4.917,5
17682 photas Bengaals - 361,13
17686 photas - 1.025,13,8
17706 photas - 543,4,8
17746 photas - 4.873,10
17748 photas - 4.357,10
17750 photas - 4.522,10
17751 photas Bengaals - 1.622,1,8
17752 photas - 4.923
17769 photas Bengaals - 3.613,19
17792 photas Bengaals - 2.155,10,8
showing results 701-740 - first - previous - next - last - goto
total value Dutch guilders: 144.774,17 - Indian guilders: 2.212.603,17,8 - number of results: 820.